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People you know, from places you know, writing what is on their heart towards the end of creating shared understanding and experience in Spokane.

What is the Origami Paper?

The Origami Paper is an experiment. An attempt to provide a printed place for local individuals of any age who like to write to share their writing. Yes, printed. Writers will submit their pieces and if accepted it will be printed in a newspaper style issue. Anyone can order a copy. Since this is the first issue of the experiment, price of a single copy will be approximately $5 and payment will not be required until the issue is picked up. Writers will receive a copy for free.

What kind of writing do we want?

Essays or poetry. Writing that focuses not just on the writer but considers how the community will interact with it. This is not the place for political discussion rather we want writing that will unite and not divide. All writing must be family friendly and follow conventional writing formats (MLA/APA).

Please submit writing by March 10th

Email 500 - 1000 word essays or short poems to origamipaperspokane@gmail.com. Issue 1 will have 4-5 essays and a poem or 2 depending on length and submissions received. First issue will be available for pickup by May 10th but date is subject to change based on how long printing takes.